Senior Pastor: Pastor Kris Solberg
Pastor Solberg assumed the role as Pastor of First Baptist Church of Pinole in July, 2013. He received his BA from BJU in 1988, and his MA from the BJU Seminary in 2011. Pastor Solberg served in Christian education and the assistant pastorate for a total of 19 years.
His contact information is as follows:
Phone: 510-390-0837
We are glad to be at the First Baptist Church of Pinole! Our goal is to please the Lord by edifying the believers so that our church may be the shining light which He wants us to be in our community. We believe that we can reach this goal by being faithful to the expository preaching and teaching of the Word of God. If your goal is to be faithful to God and His Word, we invite you to come and worship with us this Sunday!
Pastor & Mrs. Solberg